Better Packages(USA) ®333 Heavy duty, Variable Length, Manual Tape Dispenser
Application, Art and Design, Better Packages, Box Sealing Tapes, Brand, Building and Construction, Decorating & Organizing, Educational, Film and Television Production, Hand Tools, Heavy Industries, Manual Tape Dispenser, Manufacturing, Office Utilities, Packing and Packaging, Stage Design, Tools
The Better Pack 333 is a rugged, reliable, simple-to-use manual water-activated tape dispenser. (It also is known as a paper tape dispenser, gummed tape dispenser or gum tape machine etc.). The Better Pack 333 contains 15 preset tape lengths measured in inches on a dial. The Better Pack 333 product line is the world's #1 selling manual water-activated tape dispenser in the industry. This product is MADE IN THE USA. [video width="640" height="480" mp4="http://www.thetak.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Packing-Tape-Dispenser-Better-Pack-333-The-1-Selling-Gummed-Tape-Dispenser-3.mp4"][/video] Applications ✓ Sealing between 1 and 100 cartons per day/per 8hr shift ✓ Packing stations without access to electricity ✓ When there’s a need to move the tape dispenser between various locations Features & Benefits Features Benefits 15 preset tape lengths measured in inches on a clearly marked dial Simple to use operation Steel side frame construction Durable…